5 Strategies for Increasing Adoption of a New Hospital CMMS

Encouraging the adoption of a new CMMS for hospitals can be a challenging task, but there are several strategies you can implement to increase the likelihood of success. When a hospital CMMS is successfully adopted, it can be leveraged to its full potential and bring many benefits to the healthcare organization, including streamlined workflows, increased productivity, and reduced operating costs. Here are five strategies to encourage adoption in healthcare organizations:

1. Gain Top-Down Support - When upper management in a hospital or healthcare system fully supports a new hospital CMMS, it sets the tone for the entire facility management department. It sets the expectation that the new facility management software system will be adopted quickly and used to its full potential.

2. Engage Your Team Early -  The sooner you can involve key department heads, managers, and technicians in the selection and onboarding process of the hospital CMMS, the better. Their input can help tailor the system to specific facility and department needs and foster buy-in from the beginning and throughout onboarding.

3. Ensure Training and Education - Comprehensive training and educational resources are critical to adopting a facilities management solution early and continued. Consider arranging in-person and online training sessions to help team members understand how to use the software effectively.

4. Feedback - Create a way for managers and technicians to provide input and report issues during and after onboarding. Regularly assessing and addressing team concerns can improve the usage of the CMMS and the overall experience of the department and organization.

5. Promote Progress - Adopting healthcare CMMS software can be slow, but you can speed it up and encourage adoption by tracking and promoting progress. Regularly communicating the positive outcomes from a new CMMS, resulting directly from its adoption, can further encourage slow adopters to embrace the change.

The successful adoption of CMMS for hospitals is an ongoing process, and it's essential to continuously monitor, evaluate, and adjust your strategies as needed. Open and transparent communication throughout the onboarding and adoption process is vital to building trust and ensuring that the hospital CMMS becomes an integral part of the healthcare facility's operations.